
Carefree Manor Resort Rules


Welcome to Carefree Manor Resort. We are happy to have you. It is our sincere pleasure to have you as our guest. We hope you enjoy your stay and that you find our resort to be a place where you can relax, rejuvenate, and create lasting memories.

We offer a variety of amenities to our guests, including a swimming pool, jacuzzi, clubhouse, game room, and community fireplace. We also offer a variety of activities and events throughout the year, so there is always something to do at Carefree Manor Resort.

We hope you have a wonderful time at our resort!


Everyone is to get along with everyone associated with the park. We do not allow rumors.

Re-read rule No. 1

Office hours are posted.

If you have a problem or suggestion, please bring it to the manager. We can’t do anything about a problem if we don’t know about it.


The post office handles our mail. The park provides personal mailboxes for monthly and annual tenants. Incoming mail should show your site number.

In an emergency, a message will be delivered to you or left at your space.


Pool hours are set by the managers and are posted.

No lifeguard is on duty. Follow the posted pool rules. Minors must be accompanied by an adult in the swimming pool & Jacuzzi.

It is recommended not to swim alone.

Take a shower before entering the pool or spa.

NO GLASS CONTAINERS of any kind, in the pool or spa area

      No soap, shampoo, oils or lotions allowed in the pool or spa.


 Tenants are permitted to have a small pet with the manager’s approval.

The following breeds are not permitted: Doberman, Pit Bull, Rottweiler, Chow or         Wolf Hybrids.

All pets must be kept on a leash when outside of the tenant’s home or fenced      enclosure. If a dog is a danger to other animals or people, you will be held responsible for any injuries and the pet can no longer remain in the park.    

All pet droppings must be picked up and put in the garbage.

 Excessive barking is not allowed.

No pets are permitted to enter the laundry room, bathroom, pool room, swimming area or breezeway.


Each lot must be kept neat and orderly. Only outside patio furniture will be allowed on patios or in carports. All tenants are responsible for the maintenance of their site including weeds and cleanup.

Personal washers and dryers must be in the sheds. Dryers must be properly vented. Washers must be attached to a sewer line.

If there is an incident within your unit that causes loss of water or damage to the sewer system and/or septic system you will be responsible for the cost of the loss and repairs.  (i.e. flushing hygiene products, personal cleansing products, non-bio-degradable products such as Tucks or toilet running continuously or a water leak.) If you find that you have an issue, please contact the office immediately to get help fixing the problem.

Residents must consult the manager prior to putting up a permanent shed, awning or carport. No wooden structures will be allowed other than authorized sheds that have been approved by management.

** Sheds cannot exceed 10’ x 10’ unless approved by the park and office management.  A City permit may also be required. No more than 2 sheds per space in regular spaces, premium spaces no more than 3 and should have prior approval by management. Utility access may not be restricted.

No clotheslines on patios or behind sheds. There are clotheslines North of the kitchen.

Skirting is required on permanent units within 60 days of arrival. No lattice skirting of any kind is allowed.

All new permanent trailers, 5th wheels, park models seeking tenancy must be no older than 20 years.

 Electricity for your site is supplied by the park. Your submeter is read each month and you will receive a bill. Any questions, problems or complaints concerning electricity should be addressed to the park management.

 ** Electricity bills are due by the 1st of the month. Late charges will be added to the electricity bill at $25.00 for any payments made after that date. After 60 days of non-payment, you will be notified that you will be unable to renew your annual lease and asked to vacate the park permanently.

We encourage you to participate in the Tenants Association and its activities. If there are new activities that you feel the park could do, please advise the Tenants Association, officers or board members, or you can speak with the manager.

The Tenants Association members are responsible for park activities only, not for Carefree Manor Resort business.


 You are responsible for the conduct of your guests at all times.

 All guests must be registered at the park office. Guest stays are limited to two weeks.

 Sheds, extra campers, trailers & motorhomes may not be used as additional sleeping      quarters for your guests as per Apache Junction City ordinances.


Do not park cars or any other vehicle on any empty lots or patios. No parking next to the fire hydrant near the dumpsters. No overnight parking on the pavement without the approval of the manager.

Two vehicles per lot allowed. Car, truck, motorcycle repairs are prohibited on the tenant sites.

 The speed limit is 10 MPH. Advise your friends of the speed limit.


 The kitchen must be cleaned after use according to the posted guidelines.

 All lights and fans must be turned off when leaving the Common areas.

 Thermostat is set by management only.

 The last ones using the game room are responsible for putting the pool balls & pool   cues away and that the pool table covers are on the pool tables.

 Turn off the lights and air conditioner when leaving the game room.

  No unaccompanied minors are allowed in the game room.


  If you make a mess, clean it up.


 No Sub-leasing or renting units is allowed. 


 A reservation does not guarantee that the lot you get is the same one that you had last year. If you wish a specific lot, you must make prior arrangements with the manager. Each reservation must be definite on arrival & departure dates. Stays extended beyond time depend on space availability and require management’s approval.

 Upon the sale of a unit any pre-paid rents cannot be transferred to the new owner


 Existing homes older than 20 years must be approved for resale by the manager to stay in the park upon sale. If any units in the park are sold, the new owner must be approved by the manager. If not approved the unit must be moved out of the park at the owner’s expense. The management reserves the right to approve or reject all residents.

 Pre-paid rents cannot be part of the sale and rent and new rental agreement will be due   upon transfer to new owner.


Annual rent payments are due in full within 5 days after the due date. On the 6th day monthly charges will be applied until the full payment of the annual rent is received. No credit will be given for the monthly charges. If the monthly charge is not paid within 5 days, you will be asked to vacate the park.


 Regular sites annual rents are priced at $3,900 + tax

 Premium large sites #43, #52 – #56, #82, and sites #121 – #139 will be priced at $4,900 + tax.


 Monthly rents are priced at $850 + tax 


 By using a credit card for a deposit or payment, you agree to the following: if I used a credit card for a deposit, guarantee or payment, I authorize Carefree Manor Resort to charge any expenses incurred during my stay to that credit card. 


 Your credit card will be charged a deposit of one night rate. Any remaining balance is due prior to arrival.


 For all stays of one month or longer, a maximum deposit of $850 is required at the time of the reservation. Balance due upon arrival.


 To cancel or change reservation you must call (480) 982-4008(texts and emails are not acceptable)

 There will be a return check fee of $50.00

 No refunds will be issued for early check-out.